It is time to claim your bonuses

Bonus #1

A special Your Brain Is Always Listening Playbook Get 5 worksheets that can help you be happier now.

Bonus #2

Special 2-hour Event with me personally on March 17th from 4:00pm – 6:00pm PST, ONLY for those who pre-ordered the book.

The Zoom link will be emailed to you

Bonus #3

Magnificent Mind with Medical Hypnosis, get exclusive access to 6 hypnosis sessions I do for you, just like I do for my patients, including ones for anxiety, sleep, chronic pain, weight loss, smoking, and peak performance.

Bonus #4

FREE bottle of Happy Saffron at BrainMD.  This is my favorite gift, you pay for shipping, the supplements are a $49.95 value, and they are my favorite nutritional supplement, which I take every day.  The research on saffron is spectacular and I want you to have it when you pre-order or order the book. Use Code YBIAL at checkout

What Dragons Are Making You

Sad, Mad, Nervous and
Out Of Control

I have created this quick quiz where you just answer a few questions, and you will identify the Dragons that are impacting your life the most.

Register For A FREE Special Event

As Dr. Amen unveils his new book, Your Brain Is Always Listening: Tame the Hidden Dragons That Control Your Happiness, Habits

Your brain is always listening and responding to the hidden influences (dragons) that breathe fire on your emotional brain. Unless you recognize and deal with them, they can steal your happiness, ruin your relationships, and damage your health. 

During this event, Dr. Amen will show you simple techniques on how to recognize your dragons, soothe your emotions, break bad habits, addictions and boost overall brain health. Dr. Amen will be hosting this 90-minute talk on YouTube with 15 minutes of Q&A.