The first step is to look at your calendar and pick a DATE and TIME you’ll host your live stream. I recommend the week of March 2, 2021, when the book is officially released.
I’d suggest you stream a session by yourself to discuss the message behind Your Brain is Always Listening. Use this time to express who you are and why you were compelled to share Dr. Amen’s message. Offer any action steps you recommend people take based on the material we provide and don’t forget to ask viewers to buy Dr. Amen’s book!
This guide will show you step-by-step how to go live on Facebook (and other platforms) through Zoom. We offer education for both solo-stream and panel discussions.
This guide will share the intent and talking points for your live stream.
We suggest you copy/paste this into your social media 3-5 days before your live stream to warm up your audience that the live stream is coming soon.
Our daily lives have been uprooted by COVID, making everything uncertain and stressful. This stress brings out negative thoughts and habits that keep us hopeless and stop us from living our best lives. My friend Dr. Daniel Amen is here to help YOU soothe the beasts within and get your brain listening to healthier messages.
In every conversation, every moment, and every experience, your brain is listening…It even listens to the hidden experiences from your past. These past dragons steal your happiness and sabotage your health – but there is hope! That is why Dr. Amen has written his newest book, Your Brain is Always Listening…
… AND … on [date and time] I am going LIVE with Dr. Amen on Facebook to share some of the best nuggets from Your Brain is Always Listening. Save the date!!
@drdanielamen #AlwaysListening
We encourage you to do as much additional “teasing” as possible to draw the biggest crowd you can to your live stream event.
This guide will show you step-by-step how to promote on social media before and after your live stream.
@drdanielamen #AlwaysListening